A general overview on diabetes

A general overview on diabetes

Diabetes is a long-term health condition characterized by unstable blood sugar levels. When we eat, food is broken down into glucose. Glucose is then converted into energy with the help of insulin. In diabetes, blood glucose doesn’t convert into energy and builds up in the bloodstream, leading to high blood sugar levels. This article briefly discusses the essential things to know about diabetes, beginning with the three types: type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes
Type 1 diabetes mainly affects children and the younger generation, but it could also be diagnosed later. It’s comparatively rarer than type 2 diabetes. Patients with this condition cannot produce insulin even in small amounts, leading to increased blood sugar levels. They rely entirely on external insulin.

The pancreas stops producing insulin mainly when the immune system attacks the cells in the organ. What triggers this attack is unclear, and the subject is still under research. But, studies claim it could be a genetic or autoimmune disorder.

The symptoms of type 1 diabetes include hunger pangs, feeling thirsty often, unexplained weight changes, frequent urination, blurry vision, and tiredness.

Type 2 diabetes
This is the most common type that generally affects middle-aged and older people. About 11 percent of our country’s population has type 2 diabetes. Here, a person’s pancreas produces insulin in certain quantities. However, the body fails to use insulin optimally to convert blood glucose into energy.

Like type 1 diabetes, it is a genetic condition that passes down in families. However, individuals with no family history of the disease can also get affected if they have certain risk factors, such as excess body weight.

Symptoms like increased hunger and thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, recurring infections, and blurry vision are common in type 1 and type 2 diabetes. In addition, type 2 patients may notice sores and wounds that heal slowly and poor blood clotting.

Gestational diabetes
This type of diabetes usually affects pregnant women, and it goes away after the baby is born. However, those affected may develop type 2 diabetes later in life. Although a temporary problem, gestational diabetes can harm the health of the mother and the baby if left uncontrolled.

This condition may occur due to hormonal changes. Women who put on excessive weight during pregnancy or those overweight before conceiving have a higher risk.

The symptoms of gestational diabetes are not very obvious, and therefore it may not be diagnosed without a blood test. One may experience increased thirst and frequent urination.

Treatment for diabetes
The causes differ in each type, and so does treatment. In type 1 diabetes, the body stops producing insulin. Therefore patients need insulin injections to control blood sugar. Different types of laboratory-grown insulin are available, which vary based on how quickly they start working and how long their effect lasts.

In type 2 diabetes, the body produces insulin, but the cells do not absorb it correctly. So, doctors prescribe tablets to improve the cells’ absorption ability, break down food, or control the amount of glucose produced by the liver. Examples include alpha-glucose inhibitors, biguanides, DPP-4 inhibitors, and meglitinides.

Lifestyle and home remedies
Diabetes is best managed with a combination of treatment and lifestyle choices. Exercise is the most effective way to control high blood sugar. It improves the body’s sensitivity to insulin, which is especially beneficial for type 2 patients. Patients must also manage stress and go for regular checkups.

Besides a healthy lifestyle, home remedies may also help. These include having apple cider vinegar, barley, cinnamon, and fenugreek. It is advisable to consult with a doctor before considering these options.

What to eat and avoid
Patients must have fiber-rich foods like whole grains and beans. These take time to digest, preventing a sudden blood sugar spike. Certain fruits and veggies are also healthy. However, one must avoid juicing fruits as they convert into fructose, a form of blood sugar. Fruits and vegetables can be had in the form of salads.

Sugary foods must be avoided at all costs. It’s also advisable to avoid options with a high GI score, such as popcorn, white bread, pasta, and puffed rice.

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